
What is Full Auto Insurance Coverage? – Boston Equator

The young person who is single requires an entirely different set of protections that a married couple who have children.

There are six major types. The most common type is liability. is required to obtain. If you’re at fault for an accident involving vehicles, the policy covers damage to people and property. Even if you’re the one to blame in an accident, collision insurance covers any injuries to your car or vehicle during an collision.

Combining collision and comprehensive coverage will protect your car from damages or theft that are not the result of accidents. For example, if you are hit by a tree that falls onto your car, comprehensive insurance will pay for repair.

Uninsured motorist insurance covers the driver injured in an accident that other drivers insurance won’t help. Medical coverage and personal injury insurance help to pay for medical expenses if you are injured when involved in an accident. It is your choice opt for either, however, you’ll need to consult an insurance agent licensed to assist you. The video is available to learn more.
